duminică, 26 aprilie 2009

Unii nu se lasa niciodata....

.... si bine fac! Pet Shop Boys dau inca odata lovitura. Love etc. de pe noul album de studio YES.

(Don't have to be) A big bucks Hollywood star
(Don't have to drive) A super car to get far
(Don't have to live) A life of power and wealth
(Don't have to be) Beautiful but it helps
(Don’t have to buy) A house in Beverly Hills
(Don’t have to have) Your daddy paying the bills
(Don’t have to live) A life of power and wealth
(Don't have to be) Beautiful but it helps

You need more, You need more
You need love

2 comentarii:

  1. N-au terminat? Doamne! Rău nu sună, adică sună a Pet Shop Boys, dar...

  2. Poate ai dreptate, dar aduc a batrinei care stau pe bancuta din curte si-ti deapana povesti linistitoare. Ce dracu', prea multa zbintuiala in lumea asta...Mai avem nevoie si de clipe de liniste.


Parerea dumneavoastra conteaza!